Willard Neighborhood Association

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Willard neighbors working together

The Willard Neighborhood Association is a volunteer organization dedicated to the principle of improving the neighborhood. We strive to bring all ages and all political affiliations together to work on projects that affect all of us.

You can learn more about what we do by clicking on the "Our Info" tab above.

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Willard Park Community All Crew Work Day - June 10

Come join City of Berkeley Parks staff for our Community Crew Day. We will be planting, mulching, weeding, cleaning the sandbox, cleaning the courts and doing general cleanup at Willard Pool and... more
Started: June 2nd 2015Replies: 0

Candidates Forum: 7th District City Council Race

The Berkeley Student Cooperative is hosting a Candidates Forum for the 7th district City Council race at Cloyne Court (2600 Ridge Rd.), October 13 at 7 pm.   Scheduled to participate: Kriss... more
Started: September 30th 2010Replies: 1

Maximum use of web site?

We've got it! How can we best use it? Neighborhoodlink.com can be a powerful tool for communication with our members and other groups in Berkeley and beyond. It's easy to find: (type in a ZIP code) We... more
Started: October 25th 2001Replies: 1

Willard Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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$8,000 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
Tax_returnsm Who qualifies for the $8,000 first time homebuyers tax credit and the details of how first-time homebuyers can qualify for this unprecedented opportunity are the subjects of this article. The Tax Credit for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Year End Tax Tips To Save You Money!
Taxessm Don’t pay more in taxes than you need to. Learn how a few simple steps could help save you money on April 15. While it’s nearly impossible to avoid paying taxes, it is possible to reduce how much...
Tags: CommunityTaxesStaff Pick
EPA Asbestos Guide
Asbestos_th This document will help you understand asbestos: what it is, its health effects, where it is in your home, and what to do about it. Hard copies are available from the TSCA Hotline and the Asbestos Ombudsman....
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