Alderman Park Civic Neighbors

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speed zones?

Why can't we have something done about people driving down our roads at excessive speeds with their stereos blaring music I don't particularly want to listen to. It really brings down the... more
Started: August 8th 2001Replies: 0

speed zones?

Why can't we have something done about people driving down our roads at excessive speeds with there stereos blaring music I don't particularly want to listen to. It really brings down the... more
Started: August 8th 2001Replies: 0

Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales

Attention: Beachwood Subdivision - Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales Saturday October 17, 8:00am - whenever! From Beach Blvd near FSCJ campus, turn at Dunkin' donuts. (Rain date Sat Oct 24, 8am)   more
Started: October 14th 2020Replies: 0

Alderman Park Civic Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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Owner Financing: How To Reduce Your Risk
Homeinhandsm Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk. Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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November is National Adoption Month
Adoptionthumb Adoption is a lifelong, life-changing journey for all members of the adoption triad: birth parents, adopted people, and adoptive parents. November is National Adoption month, a month set aside to raise...
Preventing Identity Theft
Idtheft1_th In this fast and shrinking world we live in, we give great thought to where we live--is it safe, is it the environment we want to be in, is it the right size? Then we start to consider the schools our...
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