Autumn Park Community Association

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vehicle abductoin

Good afternoon. I am wondering where I can get information on a vehicle possibly towed away from the neighborhood? I am a current Air Force member and recently returned home from a deployment to one... more
Started: June 3rd 2015Replies: 0

Ravens tickets

The Ravens sold out their home game tickets within minutes. However my family owns six Psls and unfortunately we can't make all the games. If you are interested in buying some let me know. They are in... more
Started: August 4th 2013Replies: 0

Covenant Enforcement

As a 23 yr resident of this association There have been many time I wanted to do certain things on my property, but could not because of the covenants I and most other residents abide by!! I am... more
Started: July 19th 2007Replies: 7

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Lightning Safety
Lightningthumb Lightning is the MOST UNDERRATED weather hazard. On average, only floods kill more people. Lightning makes every single thunderstorm a potential killer, whether the storm produces one single bolt or ten...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickWeatherSafety
Things to do Before Buying a House
Newhome Buying a house is only the first of many new adventures. A house represents opportunity, ownership, growth, and responsibility. Whether you plan to stay for a few years, or until your children leave the nest, ...
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