50% of the drivers do not stop at the stop sign.
Have you driven over the humps in Hustbourne? Talk about your teeth chattering - wow!
50% of the drivers do not stop at the stop sign.
Have you driven over the humps in Hustbourne? Talk about your teeth chattering - wow! |
It was Metro that decided on 4 speed humps |
No, it was the City of Bellemeade that decided on four speed humps not Metro Louisville. Metro Louisville recommended six! When the City of Bellemeade balked at six, plans were rewritten for five. The City of Bellemeade then requested four speed humps and plans were rewritten again. There was also some mention that the $900.00 the City of Bellemeade had to contribute for each speed hump was not a good use of tax money. You can verify with Tammy Markert if she stills works for Metro Public Works and Assets at 574-3140. |
I need to correct one of my sentences above. I should have said: There was also some mention that $900.00 for the extra speed hump (five versus four) was not a good use of tax dollars when many thought the extra speed hump wasn't necessary. Sorry for the confusion. |