We are dedicated to trying to H.E.L.P. all peoples here in the United States FIRST.
This foundation was formed because the Founder believes ''Charity Begins At Home''. We understand the need to help the rest of the world; but there are just as many sick, hungry and homeless here in the United States that go over looked everyday. It is time we cleaned up our own home and yard before we tell our neighbors what to do in their yard.
There is NO guarantee that we can help you and or your family. The only guarantee is we will do our best and ask as many people as we have to. The local media in your area may be contacted at some point to aide us in filling your needs. Media attention can bring donations from sponsors we never thought to ask. At some point in the near future I hope to have funding to help right from this Foundation.
This foundation is based on faith. At this time, All we do is make the connection between the person with the need and the donor. Everyone at some point in their life needs a hand up. They face a time of need that they have never been in before and don't know where to turn. Let this foundation be your guiding light.