Mondamin Presidential Association

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Neighborhood Enforcement Team

Hello,my name is Kelly Rasmussen I am a Senior Police Officer with the Des Moines Police Department. I work with the Neighborhood Based Service Delivery Team. You all know Officer Dennis Pendleton who... more
Started: March 29th 2001Replies: 1

Web Site

What do you think of the Web Site? do you have any suggestions to help improve it Please Let me Know. By Milan more
Started: March 2nd 2001Replies: 0


STOP SIGNS FOR 16th STREET We need stop signs for 16 street to help protect our childern going to and from school. Going to play or to a friends house. The rate of speed that most cars are travling at... more
Started: February 9th 2001Replies: 1

Mondamin Presidential Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

Features of Reverse Mortgage Loans
Housequestionthumb A reverse mortgage is special type of loan for senior homeowners that use a home's equity as collateral and you do not have to repay the loan as long as this home remains your principal residence. Because a...
Tags: MortgageHomeownerThriftyFinancial

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Home Fire Safety
Areyouready_037_th Each year, more than 4,000 Americans die and more than 25,000 are injured in fires, many of which could be prevented. Direct property loss due to fires is estimated at $8.6 billion annually. To protect...
Six Tools for Dealing with Negative Equity
Keyinvest As a result of the recent financial turmoil, many people who bought their homes expecting the value to go up have seen exactly the opposite. What are your options for getting out of a home that’s worth...
Tags: AssociationDebtEquityFinancial
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