Shadow Mountain Fight Back Neighbors

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Extreme Heat of 2023 kills Moon Mountain Saguaros

Started: February 2nd 2024Replies: 1

Commercial Truck parking in front of my house

Good morning,  who do I call to have my neighbor's truck removed?  They have a huge commercial truck parked in front of my house. The tags are expired, they work on trucks and cars at their... more
Started: May 2nd 2022Replies: 1

Need help

I live in the cactus and 36th st. I recently Kicked out a renter. Now I can hear them on my roof and attic and back pool area. I'm a 55 Yr old lady, unemloyed and go up enough money to ur door and... more
Started: January 14th 2016Replies: 1

Shadow Mountain Fight Back Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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What are the FHA Loan Requirements?
Fha Surprisingly, FHA loans are some of the easiest to qualify for. In order to know how to qualify for an FHA, you need to know the FHA loan requirements. FHA Loan Requirements The FHA is a part of HUD (U.S....

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Managing Your Aging Parents Finances
Parentssm Learn how to find, understand and manage your parents’ finances. Are your elderly parents having trouble staying organized? Do they forget common things like important dates, or ask for the same...
EPA Asbestos Guide
Asbestos_th This document will help you understand asbestos: what it is, its health effects, where it is in your home, and what to do about it. Hard copies are available from the TSCA Hotline and the Asbestos Ombudsman....
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